Do we always need a dead hero?
Are we all too tired to remember the lessons from our past? We will give more honor to both Ninoy and Cory by not forgetting. Let us not forget the legacy they left behind.
Extraordinary moments
I continue to sit still, be in total awe of the moment, contented that the river flows and I am alive.
Si Pacquiao, Hatton, Bebe G., atbp.
Pardon the cliche, but "the truth will set us free."
Brown Skin
God wanted us to be brown. He created us with brown skin because he thinks this is the best color for our race.
Germany on my mind
May these photos speak to you. They may have different messages for you but at some point, we will all understand what they mean.. We will forget these images, but the meanings, th
Or perhaps, I long to reunite with her soul because that is the only way I will find myself, too.
Will I do a great job at this?
Ahhh...for so long, I had been on my own, did my own grocery, decorated and painted my apartments single-handedly at times, carried the trash out on my own...and now, there will be
Mixed Nuts
You let your friend get away with the best parts because you want to see him happy. Nothing can be as good as that.