Birthday in Vietnam
The visit to the War Museum was very moving. In fact, I almost cried but I just stopped myself because it was a public place! There, I was again reminded of the horrors of wars and
Little Joys, Quiet Moments
Khmer food is really yummy (yes, I am gaining weight already!) and the satisfaction is enhanced because they are served by people who are generous with their smiles.
Getting to Know Cambodia
What is my first impression of Cambodia and particularly Phnom Penh? Well, it is like a provincial city like General Santos and Davao but definitely, it is also very unique. It has
Is that armrest mine? (Some Simple Reminders When Flying)
I think it’s about time that we take flying etiquette more seriously.
"Artists don't sleep...they just close their eyes."
Goodbye, Neo
You kept and guarded my musings and you made me feel that my secrets are always safe with you.
Invest in the Philippines!
And one sure way to help this country directly is to invest in the stock market.
Those who have ever placed a bet or watched a horserace would know what Dividendazo means.