At 6am in Saigon, someone shouts, “My friend!”
I have always had beautiful, touching, and amusing encounters in all of my overseas travels. This one can probably be considered as among the best and the most endearing among all
Aurora: a way to look back and move forward
(A repost of a blog from my main site,, dated December 31, 2010.) First of all, HAPPY NEW YEAR, DEAR FRIENDS and READERS! May the love and goodness of our Lord
Dreaming of a Philippine Leadership Academy
(A repost of a blog posted last December 7, 2010 in my previous site, If I have the means, I will build an institution and name it the Philippine Leader
Silang’s Little Secret: Abundant Cafe
(Repost of my Sept. 11, 2010 blog in My UP friends (Rory and Jinky), hubby, and I went on a quick trip to Tagaytay yesterday and we were gifted once again with
In SM Baliwag, the sisig rocks! And you get free wi-fi, too!
This has been an enjoyable day. Food, wi-fi, the company of great people (and bloggers!), and an adoring husband who always makes sure I am happily fed...what more can I ask for?
Finding a Partner in Bangko Kabayan
Bangko Kabayan is indeed a breathe of fresh air. They know the real situations of small and aspiring entrepreneurs but never will you feel 'small' when you enter their premises. Th
Afraid of dengue, malaria and typhoid? Use PermaNet & LifeStraw!
Permanet is a long-lasting Insecticidal Net (LN); ready-to-use bednet pre-treated with deltamethrin and has a long-lasting killing effect on malaria and dengue mosquitoes, as well
Shortlisting the Presidentiables
Oh, if only we can combine the strengths of these presidentiables and emerge with a candidate who has the wisdom and strong platform of Mr. Perlas, the spirituality grounding of Mr