Anna Velas-Suarin

Mandala art and the pursuit of dreams

Rise, beloveds. You are supported.

One and a half years have passed and outside is a different world. How are you? How are you integrating the lessons in every step?

I wish you quiet moments that stir your soul. Endless hours of dreaming and planning. Of taking the first brave steps toward your dream business, perhaps? Or maybe that first book? Or simply, more time to spend with your favorite books and…fur baby?

Here in my little corner is a space for more magic. I am blissfully co-creating art pieces (such as the one above), writing a book (actually, two books, because the 2nd one is a project with friends I met online), seeding our startup, and preparing for our first product launch. This season is indeed a quiet time for creative and entrepreneurial pursuits, those that we have been postponing for so long.

I am always inspired–but please don’t think that I am living a perfect life–I have “bad hair” days, too (lol!). So, please, don’t be hard on yourself. I have been down the pits, too. What keeps me going is the confidence that every day, the pain somehow changes its depth. Like the 100 inches will become 99.9 the next day, you know. It starts to feel better, albeit slowly at first. Until finally, one day, you will realize…awww, it’s not here anymore. The pain is totally gone!

And you feel like a new person, ready to take on more challenges. Ready to claim your spot again under the big smiling sun.

And my God! The birds outside your window are singing more beautifully than ever before–inviting you to sing, too, reminding you of your magic and sparkles and dreams and new beginnings.

Someone loves you, beautiful soul.


If you like this mandala art piece on your wall, I can have it framed for you, or customize one for your home or office (e.g., to carry your favorite quote). Please visit this page for pricing or DM me through my Instagram page.

Mama Earth loves you: This is not a paid blog. I do not request for donation to maintain this blog but please make our tribe and Mama Earth happy by planting a tree (or trees!) on your birthday/s!

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