January asks you to write it down
A blessed and fun-filled new year to you all, dear friends and readers! It is January and a good time to celebrate and give thanks, take stock of the lessons of the previous year, and make new plans (to others – resolution!) for the next 12 months. It is not typical of me to write down a new year’s resolution because I do believe that planning (and even the changing of plans) should and can happen anytime of the year. I also try my best to live in the moment—to the extent possible—and instead of a list of annual resolution, JR (the hubby) and I do make and share a vision board. Our ‘major’ aspirations are there and we would always look at it to keep us motivated, inspired, and grateful.
It is also more typical of me to make daily/weekly plans (more like a “Things to do” list) and sometimes, I don’t even write them down. With or without a physical list, I commit my plans to memory, then tick off the list as I went along. Somehow, this practice of making a list (with or without a paper) gives me a sense of fulfillment and satisfaction, particularly after finishing off some tasks for the day or the week. This still works for me (that is, “writing in my mind” half of the time) but, this year, I will try my best to write my plans more on paper. I don’t want to end up becoming so obsessed with it that I will be less flexible—I still believe there is wisdom in balancing strength and resoluteness with flexibility—but this time around, I would devote more time in writing things down. I think writing helps us in analyzing things better and gives us clear directions. Of course, we also need to learn from the wisdom of others–including mentors, role models, and thought leaders–so it won’t hurt to read more and allow ourselves greater opportunities to be more circumspect.Actually, professionally, I am a combination of a big-picture and detail-oriented type of person (I always carry a pen and a notebook in all my meetings just so I won’t forget anything crucial) and I think this is something that really helped a lot of professionals and entrepreneurs to grow and achieve more. I tell myself now–if that professional side always remember to write things down, why can’t I apply such discipline and diligence in my personal life, right? Therefore, let this post motivate you and me, and together, let’s say and claim, “We will put our goals on paper more, commit to work on them more passionately, and achieve great things not just for ourselves but for this world!”
I am also wishing you all a blessed year through this post! Above is a simple art work (my gift to you!) that says, “January is about new beginnings.” (They say we must not apologize for our artistic works but, really, I have become “rusty” in my sketching skills and watercolor painting is still a weak spot—so this sketch will most likely be replaced when I am in a more artistic mood!) Creative or not, I hope this little sketch will inspire you to embark on your new beginnings!
Yes, let us allow January to make us feel new and re-energized! And what a better way to start 2016 than by writing your thoughts down – be they resolution, plans, aspirations, life’s goals, and to-do-lists. Somehow, by writing things down, we are offered a physical reminder so those notes (and reminders to ourselves) will most likely keep us focused and motivated. There had been many articles about this already so I won’t bore you with what others already said about the importance of writing our goals down. (However, if you need to read one, this article is very brief. And while we are at it, I would also recommend this article about why many new year’s resolutions fail. This might be too simplistic but it makes sense.)
As for this blog (and my creative practice—if you will call these little pieces as artistic enough–wink! Wink!), I will do my best to share a post and a painting/sketch that will go with the month’s theme, at least on the first two weeks of each month. In between, I will really do my best to post more.
If you also want to guest-blog here, I will be more than happy to share meiLBOX as your writing and blogging platform. Enjoy 2016, everyone! Let us claim and be thankful for God’s never-ending gifts and graces. And yes, let’s make January the start of great new beginnings!
This is not a paid blog. (I do not ask for any donation but I hope you can plant a tree on your birthday/s.)
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