Page ONE


Let’s collab so we can build


What’s on your Page One?

Two beautiful words are at the heart of my guiding philosophy—ikigai and meraki.

Ikigai allows us to live joyfully and mindfully while meraki reminds us to fulfill our mission (including work and career)

with a sense of purpose and gratitude. From this philosophy, there is an invitation toward self-mastery and fulfillment

while dedicating one’s life toward service and a vision bigger than one’s self. 

I support VISIONARIES and CHANGE MAKERS like you

through high-impact program design and management, training and coaching, knowledge and communications, and policymaking in the environment and social development sectors.

Embodying Oneness, I’m also a gaia-soul integration coach, artist, reiki healer, photographer,

and interior design student.

In every work that I do, I would often draw inspirations from the creative side,

allowing me and my team fresh and out-of-the-box ideas (or even burn-the-box perspective,

as the situation warrants!).

Committing to work with you means believing in your mission and organization.

That, together, we can do good. I look forward to hearing more about your story—

and how I may support you in leaving your most important legacy.

Ready to rock n’ roll and


Let’s start here.

Arts fuel creativity and innovation.

For more of my creative works, do check the Gallery or visit my Instagram page.

[About the images on this page (from top, except the profile picture): 1. Some of my favorite books include the writings of Dr. Jose Rizal, the Philippines’ national hero; 2. Temple of Heaven, Beijing, PRC; 3. my picture taken during a field work for an air quality monitoring program, Manila, Philippines; and 4. Berlin, Germany. Above (from top) 1. water lettuce /shell flower at the Fort San Pedro, Cebu; and 2. Dapitan City, Mindanano, Philippines.]

Site notice: This site has just been updated. If you experience technical glitch/error, please feel free to reach out via yangrui [at] duck [dot]com. I will truly appreciate it. You may view my latest posts from the links below or use the drop-down menu under Insights (main menu). Thank you for visiting!

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