Anna Velas-Suarin

Afraid of dengue, malaria and typhoid? Use PermaNet & LifeStraw!

The best thing about living in the 21st century is having all these gadgets, technological advancement and amenities around us. Indeed, they make life a little bit easier. 🙂 However, we also seem to be experiencing more dangers and risks compared with our ancestors. Perhaps such is the price that we pay for having computers, cellphones and airplanes! Indeed, the more industrialized we are, the more we are also polluting our environment. Sigh!

Opps, let’s not depress ourselves! Let us just work together so we can create healthier surroundings and practice more responsible lifestyle . With that in mind, hubby and I decided to sell two innovative products, which are very supportive of our health and wellness.  With the trial opening of our e-shop, Asyanna (*, we have also introduced Permanet and Lifestraw. While they are not strictly ‘Asian’ (they are manufactured by a global company, Vestergaard Frandsen), we think that these can be considered as necessities already in Asia, given that we are very susceptible to malaria, dengue, and other vector-borne diseases.

As quoted from the company’s marketing materials, Permanet is a “long-lasting Insecticidal Net (LN); ready-to-use bednet pre-treated with deltamethrin and has a long-lasting killing effect on malaria and dengue mosquitoes, as well as other disease-transmitting susceptible vectors. Made of 100% polyester, it requires no re-treatment or dipping; thereby decreasing the need for repeat intervention. This is based on a superior technology of impregnation, where the bioavailability of active ingredient is controlled through a slow release process.”

Here in the Philippines, the circular-type (perfect for adding ambience to your bedrooms!) and rectangular type of Permanet bednets  are already available. The prices are found in our Sulit(dot)com site (just search “Asyanna”). We are also selling Permanet curtains.

On one hand, Lifestraw is a point of use (POU) water filtering device. It “eliminates risk of contamination during supply and storage of water. It filters a minimum of 700 liters of water and temoves 99.7 to 99.9 % of water borne viruses, bacteria, parasites and particles down to 15 micron. It does not need electrical power, batteries or spare parts.” And more importantly, perhaps, it does not need running water supply! This means it can work well even in homes and areas where there is no public utility-supplied water.  We are also selling the family size version which can be hung from your walls.

Lifestraw-Personal: The portable water filtering device.

I would also recommend Lifestraw for mountaineers and travelers. This will allow them to have safe drinking water even when they are up in the mountains or simply walking around. Please do be reminded though that Lifestraw will not eliminate chemicals so if your water supply has, say, arsenic, it will remain in the water even if you use the gadget. (Correct me if I am wrong but I think none of the personal- and home-use devices available in the market can even eliminate chemicals.)

Lifestraw was featured by Umagang Kay Ganda and you can watch it through the link, .

What are you waiting for? Please visit our Sulit site for more details about these innovative products. You may also visit or

Stay healthy and happy!


Full Disclosure:  This is not a paid blog although I must mention that my husband is an independent distributor of PermaNet and LifeStraw through a Philippine company.

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