Best trees for urban areas
Happy EDSA People Power Day to all!
As I have promised in an old post under The meilBOX5+1Project category, I would be sharing with you some findings about the species of trees that are more location-appropriate. For example, in urban areas like Metro Manila, it is better to plant trees that will help in reducing air pollution and temperature (read: global warming).

Bring a smile to your friends’ faces and help mitigate climate change. Send them handwritten letters and plant a tree. Join The meiLBOX5+1Project! (Photo taken by Mary Anne Velas-Suarin)
A report published by DENR in August 2006 (Suitable Species for Urban Forestry) listed down various tree species, which are recommended for urban areas. Listed below are 20 of those species:
1. Acacia (Raintree) – scientific name, Samanea saman
2. Balitbitan – scientific name, Cynometra ramiflora
3. Baston de San Jose – scientific name, Cordyline terminalis
4. Copper Leaf – scientific name, Acalypha wilkesiana
5. Guyabano – scientific name, Anona muricata L.
6. Kamagong – scientific name, Diospyros philippinensis
7. Maluko – scientific name, Pisonia grandis Span.
8. Adelfa – scientific name, Nerium indicum
9. African tulip – scientific name, Spathodea campanulata
10. Bandera española – scientific name, Canna indica L.
11. Bougainvilla – scientific name, Bougainvillaea spectabilis
12. Bunga – scientific name, Areca cathecu L.
13. Caballero – scientific name, Caesalpinia pulcherrima (L.) Sw.
14. Campanilla – scientific name, Thevetia peruviana
15. Giant ipil-ipil – scientific name, Leucaena leucocephala
17. Mayana – scientific name, Coleus scutellaroides or Coleus blumei Benth.
18. Narra – scientific name, Pterocarpus indicus Willd.
19. Palawan Cherry – scientific name, Cassia nodosa L.
20. Palomaria (Bitaog) – scientific name, Calophyllum inophyllum L.